Optreden papoeakoor Wakhu Bhim in Utrecht

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Lid geworden op: di 05 feb 2008, 08:00

Optreden papoeakoor Wakhu Bhim in Utrecht

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gemeld door Nancy Jouwe/Viktor Kasiëpo/Wim Manuhutu http://www.papuaheritage.org/nl/node/19308 Let op: de voorstelling is uitverkocht!!! De zanggroep Wakhu Bhim zal op 31 juli 2008 a.s. in het Moluks historisch museum een optreden verzorgen. Het koor bestaat uit 50 leden en treedt op om 20 uur. Entree is € 5,00. Door middel van de verkoop van allerlei snuisterijen en spullen uit West Papua willen de leden proberen zo veel mogelijk de kosten te dekken van hun dure reis naar Europa en zo mogelijk al vast wat te sparen voor de 2009 Kampioenschappen in Zuid Korea. Bezoek dit unieke optreden van deze grote groep want deze jongens en meisjes zetten werkelijk iets heel bijzonders op de bühne.. Het koor heeft een gouden medaille gewonnen op de wereldkoren Olympiade in Graz, Oostrenrijk, zie hieronder die aankondiging in de Jakarta Post. Deze groep heeft internationale erkenning gekregen! Voor de kosten hoef je het niet te laten want wat is vandaag nog een entree van € 5,00. En ze kunnen natuurlijk alle steun gebruiken. webmaster. Lokatie: Museum Maluku Kruisstraat 313, 3581 GK Utrecht Postbus 13379, 3507 LJ Utrecht T +31 (30) 2367116 F +31 (30) 2328967 E info@museum-maluku.nl http://www.museum-maluku.nl Route: Het Museum Maluku is gevestigd aan de Kruisstraat 313 te Utrecht (hoek Kruisstraat / Biltstraat) en is zowel met de auto als met het openbaar vervoer te bereiken. Vanaf Utrecht CS loopt u binnen 20 minuten naar het museum.
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Hieronder het artikel uit de Jakarta Post van 22 juli 2008 waarin gemeld wordt dat het koor de gouden medaille heeft gewonnen bij de koorolympiade in Graz. Ze zongen Papua folksongs met zes muzikanten onder leiding van dirigent Aris Sudibyo. Alle songs waren gecomponeerd door Amos Samori en Hanock Tanatty. Na het winnen van de gouden medaille hebben ze opgetreden in Denemarken en Zweden. Na Nederland is er nog een optreden in Wuppertal in Duitsland. 11 augustus zijn ze weer terug in West-Papua. Subject: Papua wins gold medal in choir Olympiad Papua wins gold medal in choir Olympiad *Nethy Dharma Somba* , The Jakarta Post , Jayapura | Tue, 07/22/2008 10:14 AM | The Archipelago Papua recorded a historical performance in an international event Sunday when its choir Wakhu Bhim won a gold medal at the world choir Olympiad in Graz, Austria. "It's a prestigious achievement in such an international event," the choir's official team leader Ronald Tapilatu told /The Jakarta Post/ on Monday. The country's resources-rich easternmost province, which last saw such an international gold at the 12th Physics Olympiad in Poland in April 2004, took first in the folk songs category. Ronald said further that the Papuan choir, one of 32 Indonesian teams participating in the international event, performed Papuan folk songs along with six musicians led by conductor Aris Sudibyo. All songs were by composers Amos Samori and Hanock Tanatty. The choir comprises 38 singers selected from hundreds of youths from various church denominations in Jayapura. The choir rehearsed for eight months before the Olympiad. With the victory, Roland said, the choir was invited to perform at the opening of the July 23-27 world choral symposium in Copenhagen, Sweden, traditional music concerts in the Netherlands at the end of the month and another music concert in Wuppertal, Germany, early in August. "We will arrive home August 11 and we will dedicate the prestigious award to Papuan people, government, our families and our sponsors," he said. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2008 ... mpiad.html
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Lid geworden op: di 05 feb 2008, 08:00

Re: Optreden papoeakoor Wakhu Bhim in Utrecht

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Streaming Video van het optreden in Nieuwegein: http://www.video4all.nl/src/win_video.p ... WaCZ6zva9D webmaster
Berichten: 1763
Lid geworden op: di 05 feb 2008, 08:00

Re: Optreden papoeakoor Wakhu Bhim in Utrecht

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Whaku Bhim, Papuan Choir: Gospel Night Indonesian Embassy 30 juli 2008
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Got an email from Ocha this morning, informing there would be a choir performance in Indonesian Embassy's Auditorium at 7pm tonight. The choir is Whaku Bhim, a choir from Papua, the eastern-most province in Indonesia. It is reported that they got a gold and a silver medal from the World Choir Games 2008 in Graz, Austria. Haaa, then this is a must-see performance for me :D Paduan suara Whaku Bhim dari Papua akan ditampilkan secara khusus bersama beberapa kelompok paduan suara lainnya dari China, Australia, Amerika Serikat, Eropa dan Afrika Selatan dalam acara "We Are The World, Die Grosse Sommer-Nacht der Chore", International choir competition World Choir Games. After contacting Rahmadi, Rizky, Mieke, and Reini, we agreed to go there by Reini's car at 6pm. As expected (at least by us Indonesians, not by those Dutch ladies) the small concert started late. Although the choir had arrived at 6.30 from Nijmegen (another concert there), the Indonesian ambassador didn't arrive from an appointment in Morocco's embassy until almost 8. The choir consisted of church members and universities' students from Jayapura and its surroundings, conducted by Aris Sudibyo. I didn't know the first song they sang, but I could notice that they're good. The second song was Indonesian version of "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name" by Tom Fettke (is it "Betapa Mulia NamaMu Tuhan"?). Now here I got a lot more excited and think that they sang it beautifully (perhaps also because I really love this song :D). Other songs were "Sanctus"and I-forgot-the-other-one. The Tenors were kinda flat & stiff. The soloists (or descants, I forgot) were weak. At this point I was kinda having a skepticism. I mean, they're good, okay.. but what I heard were not the quality of WCG's gold medal choir. Then came "Bukakan Pintu KasihMu" by Ronald Pohan and "Toki Gong (Sambil Menari Halleluya)" by Christian Tamaela. Ahh, "Bukakan Pintu KasihMu" are so typically Ronald Pohan. With all those complicated and close-harmony chords. I love his works. Impressively, the choir sang Toki Gong very well (except one noticeable false/drop at the release of one verse) and the clap-part was perfect. Very tidy. Now I could see that they've actually practising very hard. "Bukakan Pintu KasihMu" was nicely sung, with a lot better vocal compared to previous songs. The last 'Amen' part was great. "All Things Bright and Beautiful" was sung okay.. I think it was put as last song to neutralized the effect of Ronald Pohan's song, khekhekhee. Second session was started after a break with bakso, hahaha :D A medley song (I forgot what they were) and another Ronald Pohan's song "Tinggal Sertaku", which was composed before the death of his father E.L. Pohan. Then the session was mostly filled with Negro Spiritual songs such as "I Want To Thank You Lord", "Everytime I Feel The Spirit"(You introduced this to me B'Josh :D), "Soon Ah Will Be Done", ended with "Elijah Rock". I really liked Moses Hogan's work :D I would say they sang Negro Spiritual really good. The ringing of the voice and the vibrato fit really well, apart from their physical appearance (well, the conductor said so :D). I think they related more with those songs and sang them more relax-ly (if this word exist :p). The dynamic flowed rather smoothly, although with less control to go piano/pianissimo. The soloists in this second session were much better. The power of the choir were great, although there's a tendency to be screamy (udah kecapekan kali ya). *** Whaku Bhim was also appointed to perform in World Symposium on Choral Music in Copenhagen, Denmark. Later in a chat with the conductor, I acknowledged that the conductor was a former conductor of Universitas Kristen Petra choir (a very good choir in Surabaya). He was encouraged by Aida Swenson Simanjuntak, one of the judges/committee of WCG (Oh, Tante Aida existnya dirimu, hehehe) to form and train Whaku Bhim. So in 6 months, forming and training a choir like this was a very good achievement I think. Eventually I knew they got silver medal in Mixed Chamber Choir and gold medal in Open Folklore. So, the gold medal was from Open Folklore.. I gotta see their next concert at 6 August 2008 at the same place, performing Papuan folksongs and dance. Tomorrow, they will be touring to Germany for another (some more) concert(s). In the end, I really enjoyed the small concert. It's so endearing to see other Indonesian choir participating in World Choir Games.. Congratulations!! And I really miss my choir now :)
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